The Holy Grail Part IV: Cardinal Rules

By at 13 January, 2010, 4:01 pm

When in Sales:

•    find out what the customer wants and expects – LISTEN!
•    identify the key message you want to convey. This may change during the course of your conversation with the prospect
•    establish supporting points to anything you say and a logical reply to any objections/questions making sure that you address each point raised by the prospect in the order they were raised
•    make your key points three times – in the introduction, the body of the presentation and in the conclusion
•    prepare notes
•    rehearse and if possible, listen to yourself when ‘selling’
•    be confident in most importantly you and your knowledge of your company/product/service and the results the prospect will get from being involved in your company/product/service.

•    overcomplicate and confuse your offering
•    read directly from a script

Quick Reminders:

Basic Sales Tips:
•    A ‘No’ is only a ‘No not today’. Nothing is terminal in sales.
•    Become a consultative seller

•    Build long-term relationships
•    Don’t be an order taker
•    Questions, Questions, Questions!

•    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
•    Invest in yourself – you are the greatest of all investments
•    Look, speak, act and most importantly think like a professional salesperson
•    Record and analyse your sales performance on a daily, weekly
and monthly basis

Important Extras:
•    It is desire and not ability that determines success
•    Set your personal goals both in and out of the working environment
•    Plan your day before you come into work
•    Be enthusiastic!

Time Management:
•    Make a ‘To Do’ list every night and review it at the end of the day
•    DO IT (whatever it is) NOW!

Finding Business:
•    Referrals are excellent leads – “Do you know anyone else who may be interested in …..” (i.e. your company/product/service)

Getting Business:
•    Always have one goal in mind
•    People buy from people – it is the oldest adage but there is none more true: become a people expert
•    Get yourself accepted
•    Main rule – ASK QUESTIONS and make sure that they are one’s that lead to your company’s proposal/USP’s etc.
•    Link features to benefits and sell the benefits
•    Don’t just talk – show and demonstrate
•    Don’t knock any competition
•    Always assume that the prospect will buy
•    Be a good news carrier – always have some good news for your client
•    Sell with enthusiasm – it is infectious and irresistible

The Close:
•    Don’t be weak – develop a killer instinct. All clients have pride, or greed or fear of loss, or all three!
•    Begin with a close – “How would you like all of Yorkshire to know of your service?”
•    Understand the importance of the close – You either sell or get sold – either way, both win or both lose!
•    Go for a decision – Yes or No – never a maybe
•    Ask for the order – it will be expected of you by the prospect
•    Learn not to fear asking for the order – It is a “no” before you have asked
•    When you ask the right questions,
closing is automatic
•    People actually like being sold to well and respect those who are passionate, enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the product they are selling.


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Categories : Danny Matharu | Mindset | Sales

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