How can you successfully recruit without this information?

By at 6 January, 2011, 4:18 pm

As the recruitment sales sector becomes even more competitive, those who will be successful are the ones that ‘take time’ to really understand their clients and candidates.

Speaking to you as a recruiter with over 10 years experience of selling consultancy services, it took me a while to figure it out, but when I did, what a difference it made.

Matching candidates to job specs and companies is not enough!
Depending on the vertical market you operate in, some markets provide an over subscription of candidates and others don’t. With competition for jobs high and clients aware that some agencies will drop their fees for the opportunity to do business, its mission critical that agents, consultants, recruiters are equipped with the latest tools to really make sure that when they get a shot at filling a role, they get a return on the effort they put in to sourcing for that role.

Knowing a client and candidate ’strategies’ is THE road to placement success!
As human beings, we run individual sets of strategies – how we are motivated, how we make decisions, what our work preference is, whether we primarily agree to disagree or disagree to agree and many others. In a recruitment sales context, knowing the questions to ask that get the responses which enable ‘successful candidate and client management’.

Many recruiters ask the question, ‘What are you looking to achieve from your next role?’ as well as ‘What is important to you from your next position?’ If you are reading this and don’t, then in my opinion you are flying by the proverbial seat of one’s pants. These questions elicit a person’s ‘values’ – the triggers/hot buttons of a person’s make up, the things that they need to move, their criteria. Taking this a step further, it’s possible to find out how a person is motivated (towards objectives or away from the consequences of non-achievement) by asking ‘why’ the thing they have stated as important is important to that person. Still with me??

Let’s put it this way – telling someone what they will get from their next role, when their motivation strategy is ‘away from’ means that the communication offered is not in alignment with their personal make up. On the other hand, telling a person what they don’t want to have when their strategy focuses on attaining/achieving DOES NOT create the level of rapport a recruiter needs with candidate or client. In the same breath, focusing on the job tasks and ’specifics’ of a role to a ‘people orientated’ person means that candidates may deflect fantastic roles because you as a recruiter, failed to spot that this person is a ‘people person.’

You’ve got to ask these questions – if you don’t, others will!
Taking time out to learn what questions to ask and what responses you get when you ask them to determine what ‘type’ a client or candidate is yields massive results.

As the saying goes ‘People buy from People’ and it’s down to you to make sure you can profile a person to sell opportunities to those people as they prefer to be sold to. Fortunately, that’s what we do at Mr Presenter so you can do this easily.

Categories : Mindset | Nick Hill | People | Sales

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