Time Flies!

By at 3 August, 2020, 3:17 pm

I haven’t a clue where the last 4 or 5 months have gone.

Just before all ‘this’ kicked off in March, we had started helping our customers with their PPE. This quickly expanded into working with Local Authorities and many, many companies outside our current customer base.

We quickly built up strong supply chains in order to cope with demand and not let anyone down.

If I’m honest, it took me back to all previous times I have started up new companies/services and it felt good.

I felt like my old self again.

I felt like the ‘barrow boy’ I once I was and my confidence started to realise itself again (thanks Andrew Hobson – you may not remember our conversation as we passed each other exercising up Hopton Hill.)

I felt alive with the selling and service side of things again, as well as the learning on the hoof through mistakes and having to quickly change direction when needed.

“Do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it.” It’s a simple mantra that I constantly harp on about internally.

It serves us and anyone that works with us well.

Also prior to COVID-19, I had started working on a new product/service but as the PPE thing went berserk, this took a bit of a back seat, as well as the Podcast I had started.


There are a couple more episodes up there and some more belters to come that have already been recorded.

As for the new thing I am working on (actually thinking about it, there are actually two new things), I am really excited about it/them and really believe it/they can make a difference to people and companies.

It’s early, early days for the new stuff and I know there will be lots and lots and lots of kicks in the nethers, but I welcome the kicks as it’s the only way we will get to improve as a company moving forward.

As I tell myself all of the time, the answers are always, always withinu………..

Categories : Danny Matharu | Mindset

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