
By at 8 August, 2021, 9:12 am

Right then, this is a commitment to myself to resurrect this blog. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, time has flown. Looooads has happened over the past few years and as a result, I didn’t continue with this.

I’m going to use it as my ‘Content Creation’ hub and include videos also, talking about ‘stuff in business’ including what I’m up to, marketing, sales, mindset and all the stuff previously included.

I think I’m going to kick off with a recap of what’s happened over the past few years. What I/we did and how it resulted in where I am today, along with comments on stuff that have happened through the day at work.

I’m going to update and refresh this whole site so it will be changing in appearance over the next few weeks. 

On we go!


Categories : Danny Matharu

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